How wonderful would it be to possess the means and
knowledge to conduct a research study on any topic that impacts the field of
early childhood! The choices are endless and I know that many of us would
choose child related cancers and diseases, so I thought I would take my
research to a place that affect many children on a daily basis. My choice would
be hunger. We tend to think of hunger as something typically associated with underdeveloped
countries, but in fact hunger is a living and ongoing issue worldwide. It would be luxurious to research a topic such
as hunger, so we can finally eradicate such an issue that truly shouldn’t even
exist. Hunger has an impact on a child’s development, learning, and growth
(World Hunger Education). It is crucial to find the answers with ways to ensure
that children’s tummies are fueled with nutrients they need so they can develop
to their fullest.
Poverty is a main contributor to hunger (World
Hunger Education.) so without the financial means to fulfill all expenses needed
to live; many households are left with empty plates for breakfast, lunch, and
dinner. We need to think about how hunger can impact a child’s ability to learn
and concentrate so they can meet the expectations and demands of school. My research
study would find ways to eliminate hunger and it would also educate parents
with the resources needed so family members are not dealing with hunger.
Hunger played a significant role throughout my
husband’s early childhood. His parents moved to Canada from Germany when he was
just a baby and they did not speak English. His parents struggled financially
and there were many countless days where he went hungry. He remembers not being
able to focus in school as all he could hear was his tummy rumbling. At that
time there were no “breakfast clubs” as this was seen as an issue for
developing countries, not in our community. His preoccupation with his talking
tummy labeled him as a child who couldn’t pay attention and couldn’t focus. The
teachers never identified the true reason for his lack of concentration. His experience as a hungry child has impacted
him now as a father of two children. He goes above and beyond to make sure that
all of their wants and needs are met. This
experience also gave him the internal motivation to continue with his education
and obtain a good job, so he wouldn’t have to experience a rumbling tummy ever
again! I never question our grocery bills as his relationship with food and the
lack of is something that I could never relate to.
Research that would help to eliminate hunger would ensure that
children wouldn’t have to go to school hungry or come home after school hungry. This research would ensure that families have the means necessary to end hunger so their children can develop to their fullest.
World Hunger Education Service: