This week I had the opportunity to explore the
international community of early childhood to inspire my thinking about places
I might like to work and about roles I would like to take on anywhere in the
world. I explored Free the Children,
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), and Association for Childhood
Education International (ACEI).
I chose Free the Children as this organization is
an international charity and educational partner working both domestically and
internationally to empower and enable youth to be agents of change. This
organization educates, engages, and empowers youth in North America, the UK and
around the world with the tools, knowledge, confidence, and support network to
be ambassadors for change and lead meaningful action (Free the Children, 2015).
This organization also works to remove barriers to education and to empower
communities to break the cycle of poverty.
I have actually had the opportunity to hear
Craig Kielburger who is the co-founder of Free the Children speak and he is so
inspiring! I love everything that this organization does on an international
level. Both of my children were actually involved in “We Day” which is part of
Free the Children.
They have many career opportunities within this
organization and they have listed 10 reasons to join their team! Here is a
quote from their career homepage:
“At Free the
Children, we’re a family of shameless idealists and social entrepreneurs
committed to shifting global thinking from “me” to “we” – and shaping a world
where everything is possible. We work hard. We play hard. And we make a
difference. Every. Single. Day.”(Free the Children, 2015).
Who would NOT want to work for an organization
like that?? Right now they have 25 career opportunities ranging from Coordinator
of volunteers to Manager of Public relations. The skills needed to work in an
organization such as this would be to be passionate, committed to making a difference.
The second international organization that I chose
is the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
as this organization believes
that all children have a right to survive, thrive and fulfill their potential –
to the benefit of a better world (UNICEF, n.d.). They focus on child protection
and social inclusion, education, child survival, and emergencies and
humanitarian action.
On the UNICEF employment site it states:
“We’re passionate
about our cause and committed to our mission: to promote the equal rights of
children, and to support their full participation in the political, social and
economic development of their communities. That’s our vision. And it’s the
world we’d like to build with you.” (UNICEF, n.d.).
There are career opportunities within UNICEF and
it states on their website that if you are committed, creative, passionate
about making a lasting difference for children, and are comfortable working in
a challenging environment, the world’s leading children’s rights organization
would like to hear from you (UNICEF, n.d.). Right now UNICEF is hiring
educational professionals. If you are an experienced international educational
development professional and have a passion for making a lasting difference for
women, children, and adolescents than you have the skills needed (UNICEF,
n.d.). Working as an educational professional would be very rewarding as you
know that you are making a difference in the lives of others.

The third international organization that I
chose is the Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI) as their
mission is to promote and support the optimal education, development, and
well-being of children worldwide (ACEI, 2011). Their vision is that every child
in every nation will have access to quality education. This education will
prepare children to become responsible and engaged citizens, ready for life in
a changing world (ACEI, 2011).
This organization has a board of directors,
headquarters staff, and an international advisory group. The headquarters staff
includes positions such as; Administration, Editorial, Membership and Marketing,
advocacy, public Affairs and Outreach, Communications, and Development.
ACEI also has internships that are available in
the summer months where interns are given the opportunity to gain work
experience consisting primarily of online research that will contribute to the
development of briefing papers and other resources (ACEI, 2011). They are looking
for interns who are enrolled in a graduate degree program that focuses on
global education, such as basic education or early childhood development (ACEI,
2011). They also prefer if interns have some international experience working
or living outside the U.S.
Here are the links to each organization I chose
in case you would like to visit them yourself to gain more information.
Free the Children
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI)